
Membership Information

To be eligible for annual awards, a horse must be registered with the THJA and its owner and rider must also be a members in good standing. No points will be credited before membership dues and horse registration fees have been received by the THJA.

We have recently added a membership for a farm, corporation, syndicate, or a partnership. When you select a farm membership, transfer of horses already registered to individuals is free at the time of application for the farm membership. After that, the normal transfer fee applies.

Two methods are available to register or renew your membership. You may print a registration form and mail it along with the necessary fees to the address shown on the form or you may use a credit card to register and pay online. Your membership or registration materials will be mailed to you by first class mail following receipt of your payment. All mailing address information is verified by the USPS prior to being used.

Join Texas Hunter & Jumper AssociationClick to submit an online form, or goto Forms to print a form that can be mailed to us.

Search the THJA "Members" Database

You can search for THJA members by several methods. It is important to specify the "Search Criteria" correctly to ensure the results returned are what you want.


"1234" searches for everything that is exactly equal to "1234"
"Mc%" searches for everything that begins with ''Mc'' (McBadden)
"%inger" searches for everything that ends with ''inger'' (Ringer, Stringer)
"%en%" searches for everything containing ''en'' (Bennet, Green, McBadden)
The "%" character is a wildcard character.

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